Free Worldwide Satellite / Transponder List New list comes out at least once per month Thank you to all who have supported this project with your donations . Please donate to keep this project alive. November 15, 2023 Sat / TP List Details Satellites: 244 Transponders: 6373 DVB-S2: 4800 DVB-S: 1573 Vertical Polarity: 2776 Horizontal Polarity: 2788 RH Polarity: 372 LH Polarity: 437 PDF Pages: 124 PDF Size: 1.8 MB EPUB Size: 51.4 kB Download List here If you find this list of use please donate if possible. Feel free to download our Satellite / Transponder list, now in EPUB as well as PDF. EPUB greatly reduces the size of the file. This is a reference list ( not to be loaded into any meter ), download to your PC, laptop, smartphone, etc and carry this reference list with you. This list contains: C-band Ku-band Ka-band - as a reminder, most meters, receivers, and LNBs in use will not do Ka band. Active and inactive transponders Want to know when new...
First Strike Meters was founded in 2008 by DMS International